

来源: 管理员










2023.07-至今             爱博体育    材料化学教研室       教师

2017.09-2023.07        中国科学院过程工程研究所        材料学专业               博士

2013.09-2017.07        河南大学化学化工学院                材料化学专业           学士


讲授课程: 《love爱博体育平台》《爱博体育》






[1]     Yang Z*, Dong Y, Liu C, Jin H, Ouyang Y, Ding F, Li B, Bai L*, Yuan F*. An efficient and closed-loop approach to convert silicon tetrachloride to silicon nanospheres anode materials via hydrogen thermal plasma[J]. Materials Research Bulletin, 爱博体育, 175: 112765.

[2]     Dong Y, Liu C, Li F, Jin H, Li B, Ding F, Yang Y, Yang Z*, Yuan F*. Highly conductive ultrafine N-doped silicon powders prepared by high-frequency thermal plasma and their application as anodes for lithium-ion batteries[J]. ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 爱博体育, 6: 816-827.

[3]     杨宗献, 董元江, 刘畅, 金化成, 丁飞, 李保强, 白柳杨*, 袁方利*. 射频感应热等离子体制备锂离子电池硅基负极材料的研究进展[J]. 过程工程学报, 爱博体育.

[4]     Yang Z, Dong Y, Liu C, Feng X, Jin H, Ma X, Ding F, Li B, Bai L, Ouyang Y*, Yuan F*. Design and synthesis of high-silicon silicon suboxide nanowires by radio-frequency thermal plasma for high-performance lithium‐ion battery anodes[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2023, 614: 156235.

[5]     Ouyang Y#*, Yang Z#, Long T, Tian H, Bai L*, Li X, Yuan F*. Preparation of branched Al2O3 and its synergistic effect with carbon nanotubes on the enhancement of thermal conductive and electrical insulation properties of silicone rubber composites[J]. Materials Today Communications, 2023, 34: 105239.

[6]     Yang Z, Liu C, Liu X, Du Y, Jin H, Ding F, Li B, Ouyang Y, Bai L, Yuan F*. In situ synthesis of graphene nanosheets encapsulated silicon nanospheres by thermal plasma for ultra-stable lithium storage[J]. Carbon, 2022, 199: 424-430.

[7]     Yang Z, Liu C, Du Y, Yang Y, Jin H, Liu X, Ding F, Bai L, Ouyang Y*, Yuan F*. Multi-hierarchical earbuds-ball-like silicon suboxide-carbon hybrids design for high-performance lithium storage[J]. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2022, 238: 109951.

[8]     Yang Z, Du Y, Yang Y, Jin H, Shi H, Bai L, Ouyang Y, Ding F, Hou G*, Yuan F*. Large-scale production of highly stable silicon monoxide nanowires by radio-frequency thermal plasma as anodes for high-performance Li-ion batteries[J]. Journal of Power Sources, 2021, 497: 229906.

[9]     Yang Z, Du Y, Hou G*, Ouyang Y, Ding F, Yuan F*. Nanoporous silicon spheres preparation via a controllable magnesiothermic reduction as anode for Li-ion batteries[J]. Electrochimica Acta, 2020, 329: 135141.



[1]     袁方利, 杨宗献, 金化成, 侯果林, 丁飞, 杜宇. 一种SiOx纳米线及其制备方法和作为锂离子电池负极的应用: 中国, 202010613053.6[P]. 2020-09-29.

[2]     袁方利, 杨宗献, 丁飞, 金化成, 李保强. 一种硅/石墨烯纳米片复合电池负极材料及其制备方法: 中国, 202210956679.6[P]. 2022-10-18.



[1]     河南省科学技术厅,科技攻关项目,基于热等离子体的高性能纳米硅/石墨烯复合负极材料设计与研发,爱博体育.012025.12,在研,主持.

[2]     科技部国家重点研发计划, 政府间合作项目, 高性能硅碳复合材料的设计、量产及其在锂离子电池应用与储能机制研究, 2020.122023.11, 结题, 参与



[1]     中国科学院院长优秀奖,中国科学院,202307.

[2]     河南省教育厅科技成果一等奖,河南省教育厅,202306.

[3]     第十二届中国颗粒大会优秀墙报奖,中国颗粒学会,202304.

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